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Rainbow Bridge

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This memorial page is reserved for family pets who have died and have traveled across the rainbow bridge to pet heaven.

Cindy Lou Who
Cindy came with Dave from California. She died July 3rd 2008 of old age(19).


Vincent Kitty was found some time around 11:30pm on the night of June 8th 2006, bleeding and dying in the middle of the road.  Mom brought him home on the back of her car and he was burried the next morning between two lilac bushes in the small pet cemetary.  Though he was mostly feral and couldn't be caught unless he wanted to be petted, he was a good bunny hunter and he loved the dogs, especially Frody.  He was survived by his sister DB.


Dove was bought from the Norfolk pet shop. We had to buy her and her cage companion Bad Andy. We named him Bad Andy because he bit and screamed the whole week that we kept him. We got fed up and took him back to the pet shop after they told us that he sang the theme song to Andy Griffith. Dove enjoyed sunny days and sitting on your chest. She did not sing, but she was a sweet as spun sugar. She really was a joy. Beloved Dove died of unknown reasons in mid January of 2005. She was found one morning on the bottom of her cage. We will love and miss her. I'm sure Dusty will miss his hairdresser and companion.

King Pinky
King Pinky was found dead one morning of a Skunk attack. The skunk died the next day of gunshot wou

Christmas Dinner (Putt)
Our red turkey was feeling ill and mom tried to fix it.  It ended up dying anyhow.  Time of Estimated Death:  12pm July 24 2007

Lady Rose
Mom found a lady on the internet who was selling Miniature Dachshunds. She cost $375. and came from Minnesota. Her nickname is Baby Rosey (AKA Babian). Baby is allergic to everything and sometimes she fakes being sick to get attention.